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All Fasep products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Fasep: balancing stands, tire mounting stands, scissor lifts, lifting bridges, disk drives, air conditioning refueling stations, collapse stands, nitrogen generators, stands for laser diagnostics, scanners, electronic headlight testers
  • Balancing stands for motorcycles Fasep
    Balancing stands for motorcycles
    B202 Moto, etc.
  • Balancing stands for passenger cars Fasep
    Balancing stands for passenger cars
    B110 Vaneo et al.
  • Balancing stands for trucks Fasep
    Balancing stands for trucks
    V590 Truck, B351 Titan, etc.
  • Tire stands for motorcycles Fasep
    Tire stands for motorcycles
    R.1021, R.1020, etc.
  • Tire fitting machines for passenger cars Fasep
    Tire fitting machines for passenger cars
    eCUBE G4, FIXITY, etc.
  • Tire fitting machines for trucks Fasep
    Tire fitting machines for trucks
    RGU588E, RGU566E, etc.
  • Scissor lifts Fasep
    Scissor lifts
    PS50T, PS15OM, etc.
  • Drawbridges Fasep
    UF50.VX, UF45.VX and others.
  • Discographies Fasep
  • Air conditioning refueling stations Fasep
    Air conditioning refueling stations
    AC3330, AC3400, etc.
  • The stands are collapsing Fasep
    The stands are collapsing
    VCO-K.Eco, VDP-K Win10, etc.
  • Additional equipment Fasep
    Additional equipment
    OZONO3, F22799 LX, etc.


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